Sunday, August 27, 2006

Tokyo Orientation

The orientation that was held at Keio Plaza Hotel began with an opening ceremony in the morning. It was quite a sight to behold with more than a thousand foreigners from many different countries gathered at the function room, all ready and eager to begin their new life and adventure in Japan.

My roommate and i took turn taking picture for each other. It seemed a tad bit over zealous and cheesy doesnt it? Haha.

In the evening, we had a couple of free hours and i made use of the time to meet up with Yuka for dinner. The last time we met was in Singapore when she came for visit 3 years back so i was thrilled to see her again. She is one Japanese friend whom i kept in touch with for the longest time and although we seldom had the chance to see each other often, it's amazing how we can always catch up quickly.

The second day of orientation was filled with workshops catering to all kinds of categories imaginable. There were sessions on 'Life as female JET', 'JET of Asian descendant', 'Life for the rural JET' etc. Some of the information provided were rather useful but for the most part, it's quite repetitive so i was quite glad when day 2 of the program ended.

At night all the Singaporean participants were invited to dinner by the Singapore Embassy in Tokyo at this really swanky Japanese restaurant that has the structure of some building from the Edo era. I was tempted to skip dinner for some personal R&R but i was glad i went in the end. It was interesting talking to other Singaporeans working and living in Japan and it was a nice feeling too that the embassy actually organized a welcome reception for us.

Most of us returned straight to the hotel after dinner. It had been an overwhelming 3 days in Tokyo, information overload and just plain tiring. Though exhausted, i looked forward to finally seeing Goto island and my home in Narao for the first time!

Pictures taken with Yen Ling and Andrea the night before we all parted our ways.


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