I am back
I took a break from blogging to reorganize some aspects of life here now that it is almost going to be halfway through my contract.Time to take stock and reflect a little, from when i first arrived till today, what exactly had i done or accomplished in the past 5 months or so. It would be my greatest horror and fear to leave this place after a year not to be able to remember what i really did and how i had spent my this one year abroad. In this sense, I am really glad that i started a blog to remember my Japan days by. Somehow, as one grows older, it's really harder to rely only on memory however good it used to be. It would be a real pity if all i can recall after leaving here are but some vague and fuzzy feeling of happiness when i look back at some old photographs in the future.
That being said, there were moments when the lazy streak in me hampered my intention to constantly update and write about life here. What kept me going is the knowledge that friends and family do indeed check out my blog regularly to see how i am doing.
What with my good friends' (you know who you are :p)encouragement to keep blogging and how much they enjoyed reading about my stories here, i know i shall not let these people down :)
I still have so many stories to tell and pictures to share. A couple of funny episodes when i first arrived which till now i had not even find time to back blog. So many thoughts and revelations going through my mind that i want to chronicle. Little highlights of my days in this small and sleepy town. My parents' visit last November. Japanese songs that i heard over the radio and tv here which i like. English songs which i sang with students during lessons. Pictures and recipes of the food i had or dishes that i cooked. These are things that will inevitably evoke so many precious memories, I want them to put them down one by one.
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