Saturday, December 30, 2006

Things to Always Remember

I bought this little scroll from an obscure gift shop back in Singapore. Cliche as it may seem, these are indeed timeless truths that we all know so well but are often so easily forgotten as we move along the years. Somehow the scroll made its way into the luggage while i was packing for Japan earlier on this year.

It has always been a habit to make new year's resolutions since i was a small girl. As the year goes by, the process gets more tedious as the list simply becomes longer and there are always some resolutions that will make it to the list, despite yearly attempts to start afresh.

For a change, i only made one resolution for 2007.
If i can really bear in mind what's written on the scroll, i believe that all will be well.

Things to Always Remember

1.Your presence is a present to the world

2. Your life can be just what you want it to be

3. Take the days just one at a time

4. You're unique and one of a kind

5. Count your blessings not your troubles

6. Within you are so many answers

7. Understand, have courage, be strong

8. You'll make it through whatever comes along

9. So many dreams are waiting to be realized

10. Decisions are too important to leave to chance

11. Don't put limits on yourself

12. Nothing wastes more time than worrying

13. The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets

14. Live a life of serenity not regrets

15. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way

16. Remember that a little love goes a long way;
Remember that a lot goes forever

17. Remember that friendship is a wise invesment

18. Don't take things too seriously

19. Have Health Hope and Happiness

20. Life's treasures are people together

21. Realize that it's never too late

22. Take time to wish upon a star

23. Reach for your peak, your goal, your prize


At 11:24 PM, Blogger chitter-chatter said...

i have the same scroll! =)

At 10:49 AM, Blogger テレサ said...

Hee! Great minds think alike huh?!?

At 7:34 PM, Blogger JacY said...

i also have!! haha

At 8:48 AM, Blogger テレサ said...

Cos me and Rosie bought it together mah! :p


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