This is the scene that greets me when I wait for the bus home after work, 2 scarecrows on the small patch of farmland just opposite the school. If you look closely enough, they are dressed differently in different seasons, what creative farmers!
When I first arrived on this island, it was still the summer holidays and the scarecrows were in swimsuits carrying floats, all ready to hit the beach. When school term started and well into fall, they changed to regular uniforms and during winter, had mufflers and gloves on. Now it is still the rainy season and the farmers must have taken them in to give them a break from the rain I suppose. When the rain stops and the sun is out once more, it will be time for the scarecrows to go swimming again and time for me to go home too...
The Japanese expression 'あっという間に', particularly the sound of it 'attoiumani' has always intrigued me. For the longest time, I can't seem to remember how to use it or what it means. Now there isn't one day that I do not hear or use this phrase. Literally it means 'in the interval that one says 'ah'', roughly it translates into 'in a flash' or 'before one knows it'. Really this one year feels as long as the interval that one takes to say 'ah'. Almost summer again, 4 seasons and 12 months in Japan I've come one full circle. この一年間、本当にあっという間に過ごしちゃったなあ!
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