Monday, September 25, 2006

The waiting game...

Woke up 10min later than usual this morning as i chatted with my sis on msn till late at night. Rolled out of bed and began the usual series of morning motions like a zombie. The phone rang and jolted me out of my semi-consciousness. Picked up the phone and heard Hanasaki sensei's voice and my heart skipped a bit.

Finally the phonecall i've been anticipating for the past 3 weeks or so. I have almost given up hope that they are ever coming to give my old apartment a repaint. It's been nearly a month since they last let me chose a color for the living room wall.Then i had happily pointed at my favorite light green and thought that i can get my place decorated nicely soon so i can invite people over for meals. But that was when the waiting game began and so i waited and waited...till today!

I was told not to lock my door as i left for work in the morning. Threw in some excess cash i keep at home and my passport and i went to work happily this morning :)
Am anticipating how the room will look like after a fresh coat of paint.
Going home in an hour and half time, am so excited!

Pictures of my decorated apartment coming up over the weekend, woohoo!


At 9:42 PM, Blogger chitter-chatter said...

yea!! congrats!!! new wwalls! hope everything went well!


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