Friday, April 13, 2007

Arriving in fashion

The much anticipated visitor from the north arrived in good fashion and I mean it literally. Look at those boots and the trench coat, what a far cry from the hand-me-down jumper her island dwelling counterpart has been wearing throughout the long, wintery days! :P

You bet I was looking forward to Ros’ visit after months of chatting over Skype and the occasional sms using our Japanese hand phones.Our fashionable friend arrived on a Sunday afternoon, giving me enough time the day before to give clean my house and sunned the blankets & mattress. On the day itself, I spent the entire morning and afternoon preparing for the welcome feast and baking a surprise birthday cake. Actually we were supposed to bake her cake together but it proved simply impossible to get her any decent present on this island that I decided to bake one in advance as her birthday gift.

I must have been working so hard in the kitchen that I completely missed out the sound of the horn that signaled the arrival of the 3pm ferry. I dashed out of my house 10 minutes later upon realizing that my poor friend and her dog must have been left stranded at the port wondering where was her warm welcome! *grinning sheepishly*

And this was the welcome feast! The menu had been specifically designed to include only local dishes, namely curry chicken and fried beehoon together with pineapple lassi and salad. A truly Singaporean meal to welcome a Singaporean friend :)

And here's a toast to our friendship which transcends all boundaries! Hey it's true you know, Ros got to take the plane from Sapporo to Fukuoka, the bus to Nagasaki and the ferry to Goto, hiding the doggy and lugging her luggage, before we could be reunited once more :P

After shower and changing into our startling combination of baby blue and pink pyjamas, we had tea and feasted on the yummy omiyage Ros brought from Japan's land of dairy product-Hokkaido! Crispy chocolate wafers, butter-cream sandwiched cookies and a cup of hot coffee, a sinfully delightful way to end the day on a real SWEET note :)


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